Meso Soft Juju – 4. Orange, White Foil, 175g
Disc Options: 4. Orange, White Foil, 175g
Meso Soft Juju – 3. Orange, White Foil, 173g
Disc Options: 3. Orange, White Foil, 173g
Meso Soft Juju – 1. Neon Red, White Foil, 173g
Disc Options: 1. Neon Red, White Foil, 173g
Thermo Juju
Ching Discs, Discs, More Brands, New Releases, Putter/ApproachThe Juju is an ultra-straight putter. It has innovative thumb tracks around the rim that allow you to adjust your grip in order to adjust the flight of the disc. Like the Precision midrange, the thumb tracks are located at different levels along…
Thermo Juju – 2. Pink, Blue Foil, 175g
Disc Options: 2. Pink, Blue Foil, 175g
Thermo Juju – 3. Orange, Flag Foil, 174g
Disc Options: 3. Orange, Flag Foil, 174g
Thermo Juju – 1. Pink, Blue Foil, 174g
Disc Options: 1. Pink, Blue Foil, 174g
Thermo Juju – 5. White, Red Foil, 175g
Disc Options: 5. White, Red Foil, 175g
Thermo Juju – 4. White, Red Foil, 173g
Disc Options: 4. White, Red Foil, 173g
Eternal Lobster
Discs, Midrange, Mint Discs, More Brands, New ReleasesThe Lobster is Mint’s first understable mid and one of the smoothest throwers on the market.
Beginners can spin it flat for tons of glide, and higher powered players will want to hyzer flip it for long controlled turnovers.
Speed: 5,…
Eternal Lobster – 7. Light Blue, Flag Foil, 172g
Disc Options: 7. Light Blue, Flag Foil, 172g