Speed: 9 Glide: 5 Turn: 0 Fade: 2.5
Tristan Tanner about the Honor:
This is a really good 9 speed driver that is slightly overstable, I think for amateur players it’s going to be really good for hyzer dumping shots with glide and distance. This has more distance than the Pioneer, I can stretch it out to 500 ft and control it up to 400 ft. It’s like a Pioneer with a Glory type rim, it almost feels like a slower Rive, a similar flight pattern to that. That was my team series last year, I have been throwing this more than I expected really. It’s really filling a spot that I did not know I was missing. So I have been throwing this a little bit more than my Rive. A little more control with my fan grip that I prefer to throw with 13 speed drivers.